Key Stakeholders in Online Reputation

Stars on fire.

Online reputation management (ORM) has become an aspect of modern business marketing strategy, influencing stakeholder perceptions, decision-making, and overall success. This article will delve into the key stakeholders involved in online reputation, examining their roles, impact, and the implications of ORM for each group. We’ll cover background information, key benefits and potential applications, challenges and limitations, and future prospects and implications of ORM.

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Online reputation management (ORM) is a must for brands, impacting perceptions and decisions across various stakeholder groups. This article explores the roles of key stakeholders—consumers, business owners, marketing professionals, legal teams, and HR departments—in shaping and managing online reputations. It discusses how each group influences a company’s online presence, the benefits and challenges of ORM, and the importance of coordinated strategies to maintain a positive reputation and drive business success.

Online reputation management (ORM) is crucial for modern businesses, impacting perceptions and decisions across various stakeholder groups. This article explores the roles of key stakeholders—consumers, business owners, marketing professionals, legal teams, and HR departments—in shaping and managing online reputations. It discusses how each group influences a company’s online presence, the benefits and challenges of ORM, and the importance of coordinated strategies to maintain a positive reputation and drive business success.

Table of Contents

1. Consumers and the General Public

Consumers (clients) play an instrumental role in shaping online reputations. Their opinions and reviews can spread quickly across various platforms, influencing the perception of a brand almost instantaneously.

  • The Role of Consumers in Shaping Online Reputation: Consumers are the end-users of products and services, and their reviews and feedback form a component of a company’s online reputation because they provide social proof. Positive reviews can bolster a company’s image, while negative reviews can severely damage it. Review platforms, social media accounts, and online forums are impactful tools that consumers use to express their opinions.
  • The Impact of ORM on Consumer Trust, Loyalty, and Decision-Making: Effective ORM builds consumer trust and loyalty. A reputation that reflects integrity, quality, and customer care encourages customers to choose and stay loyal to a brand. A study by Edelman found that 81% of respondents must trust a brand before making a purchase. This trust influences their decision-making processes, often becoming the deciding factor between competitors.
  • Hypothetical Scenario: Consider a popular restaurant chain facing a slew of negative online reviews due to a recent food quality issue (or an angry waiter). Through effective ORM, the chain addresses each review with apologies, explanations, and steps they are taking to solve the problem. Then it deploys a review management program to develop more and better reviews to bring its star-rating back to 4+ stars. Over time, these actions restore customer trust and improve their overall online reputation. 

2. Business Owners and Executives

Business owners and executives are the architects of an organization’s vision and strategy. Their focus on brand sentiment impacts business growth and sustainability. Why? Because a staggering 94% of consumers avoid businesses with negative online reviews, highlighting the high stakes of online reputation.

In study after study, executives believe that reputation risks rank higher than other strategic risks. The brands leaders are responsible for implementing strategies to monitor and enhance their company’s online reputation. They ncollaborate with different departments to address issues promptly and develop a consistent brand narrative, and then protect it.

3. Marketing and Communications Professionals

The ground troops in reputation management include marketing teams. Marketing and communications teams play a central role in both monitoring and managing online reputations. They are the guardians of the brand’s image and the frontline responders to any reputation-related issues.

  • The Role of Marketing and Communications Teams in ORM: These professionals track and analyze online sentiment, create content that fosters a positive brand image, and manage responses to online feedback (de-escalation). They are instrumental in crafting the messages that shape public perception. Like a skilled chef curates a menu to captivate diners, these teams design campaigns and communications to enchant their audience and win back those who may not be entirely satisfied.
  • The Benefits and Challenges of ORM for These Professionals: While ORM can significantly boost a brand’s credibility and customer engagement, it also requires strong vigilance and swift action to address negative feedback. The challenge is in maintaining a consistent, positive image while navigating the unpredictable nature of public opinion. This is where a review mangement program that constantly works to improve online social proof comes in handy.

Legal and compliance teams play a vital role in ensuring that ORM strategies adhere to regulatory standards and mitigate any legal risks that could harm the brands reputation.

  • The Intersection of ORM and Legal Considerations: Legal teams ensure that the company’s online content complies with laws and regulations, protecting the company from liabilities such as defamation suits, copyright issues, and data privacy violations. The Role of Legal and Compliance Teams in ORM: They work closely with marketing and executive teams to develop guidelines for online interactions, review potentially problematic content, and handle any legal issues that arise from online activities. When a brand gets sued, it makes the news. Therefore, part of a legal team’s responsibility for reputation is working to de-escalate and keep things on the quiet side before a full-blown reputation crisis blooms.

5. Human Resources and Talent Pros

ORM shapes employer branding and talent acquisition efforts. HR and talent acquisition professionals must manage the company’s human-facing online reputation to attract and retain top talent.

  • The Impact of ORM on Employer Branding and Talent Acquisition: Job seekers often research potential employers online. A positive online reputation can attract high-quality candidates, while negative reviews on platforms like Glassdoor can deter top talent. Notably, 55% of job seekers have abandoned applications after reading negative reviews about a company’s culture, highlighting the importance of ORM. 
  • The Role of HR and Talent Acquisition Professionals in ORM: HR can help with reputation by monitoring employer review sites, responding to employee feedback, and promoting the company’s culture and values online. They play a role in ensuring that the internal reputation aligns with the external one (they work hand-in-hand). HR professionals recognize that effective ORM is kind of a big deal for attracting top talent.
  • Hypothetical Scenario: A company faces online backlash that is becoming more visible in search results related to issues of diversity and inclusion. The HR team addresses these concerns by openly communicating its current policies, the steps it is taking to improve, and its commitment to creating an inclusive workplace. This proactive approach helps rebuild trust and strengthen its employer brand, thus enhancing its reputation and attracting candidates who value inclusivity.


Stakeholders in online reputation, including consumers, business owners, executives, marketing and communications professionals, legal and compliance teams, and HR departments, all have pivotal roles. Their interactions are interlinked and collectively shape the company’s online presence. Managing these relationships effectively is essential for the success of ORM strategies. Companies must consider the implications of ORM for each stakeholder group and implement comprehensive strategies to ensure a positive online reputation.

Consumers, for instance, rely heavily on online reviews for decision-making, making it vital for businesses to maintain positive online reputations to attract and retain customers and more stakeholders. Meanwhile, business owners and executives need to prioritize ORM as a central component of their business strategy to foster trust.

Marketing and communications professionals are on the frontline, implementing ORM strategies, monitoring online conversations, and addressing negative feedback. Legal and compliance teams play an important role in ensuring that ORM efforts align with regulations and protect the company from potential legal issues.

Finally, HR departments should integrate ORM considerations into their hiring and employee relationship management strategies, as employee behavior can significantly impact a company’s reputation. Comprehensive ORM strategies that address these diverse needs are essential for sustaining a favorable online presence and ensuring long-term success.

Tags: crisis communications.

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