Onlne Credibility: Building a Trustworthy Online Presence

Establishing credibility is no longer just about having a quality product or service – it’s about how effectively you communicate this to your audience. In this regard, content reigns supreme. From relatable customer stories to informative blog posts, your brand’s credibility hinges on the quality, relevance, and authenticity of your content.

Telling Customer Stories

According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. That statistic alone may be enough to convince you to leverage this powerful content tool to solidify brand credibility.

Customer stories are a powerful tool for brand credibility. They’re the testimonial’s much more detailed cousin that paints a vivid picture of how your brand plays a role in a customer’s success.

  • Detail the journey: Include specifics of the customer’s challenge, your brand’s solution, and the successful outcome.
  • Humanize the story: Use a natural, conversational tone to highlight the human element in your stories.
  • Include quantifiable results: Specific numbers, like increasing sales by 20% or saving 10 hours a week, make the success tangible and relatable.

Demonstrating Industry Competence

A study by Edelman Trust Barometer indicates that 68% of consumers trust experts, such as academic or industry experts. Hence, industry competence is vital to your brand’s credibility. Establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. How? By demonstrating competence. Here are some ideas:

  • Share insightful analyses: Publishing in-depth industry analysis or trend predictions to showcase your brand’s industry expertise.
  • Leverage industry-specific jargon: Using niche-specific language that your target market understands that appropriately conveys your brand’s knowledge.
  • Attend and report on industry events: Discussing key takeaways from industry events positions your brand at the forefront of industry developments. Ideally, attend the event from behind a podium onstage.

Providing Helpful Knowledge

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 96% of the most successful content marketers say their audience views their organization as a trusted resource. The key takeaway here is to engage your audience by providing value in the form of helpful knowledge.

  • Publish how-to guides: Practical, easy-to-follow guides on topics relevant to your audience establish your brand as a useful resource. You don’t need to give away the farm (your best secrets), but guides should be very helpful and, ideally, shareable.
  • Offer tips and tricks: Tips are short, digestible pieces of advice that are easily shareable, and through sharing, can boost your brand’s visibility and credibility.
  • Answer common questions: Regularly answering FAQs about your industry or product helps position your brand as a trusted advisor. Answering questions in a helpful way that builds trust between your brand and your audience is one of the best ways to build credibility.

Inbound Marketing Techniques

Attract customers organically by using inbound marketing techniques. Inbound marketing generates three times more leads per dollar/euro than traditional methods, making it a key strategy for establishing credibility. Here are the key points:

  • SEO-optimized content: By using the right keywords, you can attract interested audiences to your content by using search engine optimization best practices.
  • Regular blog posts: Consistent, quality posts keep audiences returning to your site and increase brand trust over time. We have over five hundred blog posts. We wouldn’t have made that commitment unless it works.
  • Email marketing: Sending helpful content straight to your audience’s inbox is a powerful way to establish your brand as a valued resource. It’s far better to use a “house list” that you built yourself than a purchased list. The latter can damage credibility.

Multiple Content Formats

By leveraging various content formats, you can increase your reach and enhance your brand’s credibility – and you can also get more mileage out of each article. So, to cater to different audience preferences, create multiple content formats about the same subject.

  • Articles: Detailed, long-form content that provides in-depth insights.
  • Videos: A visual and auditory format that’s easy to digest and share.
  • Social media posts: Short, snappy content that increases brand visibility and engages audiences.

Human and Helpful Content

According to Business Solver, 87% of CEOs surveyed believe that empathy improves the financial performance of a company. That’s why crafting human and genuinely helpful content creates a strong connection with your audience.

  • Speak your audience’s language: Use a tone and vocabulary that resonates with your audience.
  • Address real problems: Speak to the pain points your audience experiences.
  • Show empathy and understanding: Show that you understand your audience’s challenges and are here to help.

Original Visuals

According to PR Newswire, press releases with photos, videos, and infographics increase views by 1.8 times. If original visuals can significantly enhance content credibility, why not use it?. With the rise of AI image generators like Midjourney, there’s no reason not to.

  • Photography: Unique and enhanced photos of your products, team, or behind-the-scenes action add authenticity.
  • Graphs: Data representation validates your points and makes complex information easy to digest.
  • Illustrations: Custom illustrations add personality to your brand, making it more relatable.


Establishing credibility through content is a multifaceted process involving storytelling, demonstrating competence, providing helpful knowledge, utilizing inbound marketing, leveraging multiple content formats, creating human content, and integrating original visuals. Implement these strategies to strengthen your brand’s online reputation and establish a strong, trustworthy presence in your industry.



About the author


Kent Campbell is the chief strategist for Reputation X, an award-winning reputation management agency based in California. Kent has over 15 years of experience with SEO reputation management, Wikipedia editing, review management, and strategy. Kent has helped celebrities, leaders, executives, and marketing professionals improve their online appearance. Kent writes about reputation, SEO, Wikipedia, and PR-related topics and is an expert witness for reputation-related legal matters. You can find Kent’s biography here.

Tags: Individual Reputation Repair, Personal Branding.

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