Why and How to Remove Yourself from Online Data Aggregators

Step by step directions on how to remove your data from data aggregators like Radaris, Spokeo, MyLife, PeopleFinders and Intelius. 

our personal data is more accessible than ever. Data aggregators such as Radaris, Spokeo, MyLife, PeopleFinders, Intelius, and even Ancestry.com have made it their mission to collect, categorize, and sell personal information.

If you’re concerned about your privacy and want to reduce your digital footprint, it’s essential to know how to remove your personal data from these platforms. This comprehensive guide will provide step-by-step directions on how to do just that.

Understanding Data Aggregators

Before diving into the removal process, it’s essential to understand what data aggregators are. These are companies that gather publicly available data from various sources, including social networks, public records, and other online platforms.

They consolidate this data into detailed profiles, which they then offer to the public, often for a fee. While these services can be beneficial for various purposes, like reconnecting with old friends or checking on potential tenants, they can also pose a significant privacy risk.

1. Removing Information from Spokeo


Spokeo is a popular people search engine that displays personal details such as address, phone number, and email addresses.

Steps to Remove Data:

  • Go to the Spokeo opt-out page.
  • Search for your name.
  • Once located, copy the URL of the page containing your details.
  • Paste this URL into the opt-out form and provide your email address for verification.
  • Check your email and confirm your removal request.
  • Your information should be removed within a few days.

2. De-listing Yourself from Radaris

Radaris is another significant aggregator that offers detailed personal profiles.

Steps to Remove Data:

  • Navigate to the Radaris homepage.
  • Search for your listing.
  • Click on ‘Full Profile’ next to your name.
  • Hover over the ‘Background Check & Contact Info’ button and select ‘Control Info.’
  • Create an account with Radaris; they’ll send a verification code via text.
  • After verifying, click ‘View My Account.’
  • Choose ‘Delete Specific Records’ to remove your profile.

3. Opting-Out from PeopleFinders.com

remove peoplefinders listing

PeopleFinders is a comprehensive database that provides a multitude of personal information.

Steps to Remove Data:

  • Visit the PeopleFinders opt-out page.
  • Search for your name and select your profile.
  • Click “opt out my info,” check the necessary boxes, and follow the prompts to complete the process.

4. Erasing Personal Details from Intelius

Intelius aggregates data from public records, making it one of the most detailed platforms.

Steps to Remove Data:

  • Visit Intelius suppression page.
  • Provide your email address.
  • Choose your listing from the search results.
  • Verify the removal request by clicking on the link sent to your email.
  • The removal process typically takes about 72 hours.

5. Deleting Data from Ancestry.com

Ancestry.com, a genealogy platform, has vast amounts of personal and family data.

Steps to Remove Data:

  • Log in to your Ancestry account.
  • Navigate to ‘Account Settings.’
  • Follow the prompts to delete your personal information.
  • If encountering issues, email customersolutions@ancestry.com with a removal request.

Protecting Your Online Privacy

Removing your data from these aggregators is a proactive step towards ensuring online privacy. However, consider the following additional measures for a comprehensive approach:

  • Regularly Monitor Data Aggregators: Set reminders to check these platforms periodically. New data can emerge and be relisted.
  • Limit Online Sharing: Be cautious about what you share online, especially on social media.
  • Utilize Privacy Tools: Consider VPNs for secure browsing and encrypted messaging apps for communications.

The Importance of Internet Privacy

In today’s hyper-connected world, where sharing information has become second nature, internet privacy has never been more crucial. While the web has provided unparalleled access to knowledge and has revolutionized communication, it has also ushered in a new era of threats to personal privacy. The information one casually uploads or shares can be used maliciously, underscoring the need for individuals, both young and old, to be vigilant about their digital footprint.

The Dangers Lurking Online

For younger individuals, the lure of social media platforms and the desire for instant social validation can sometimes overshadow the potential risks. Pictures from a recent party, rants about an employer or school, or even sharing their current location, can have dire consequences.

Cyberbullying, stalking, identity theft, doxing, and unwanted attention are only a few of the perils. A simple online photo can be manipulated or misused easily using current AI tools, leading to public shaming, blackmail, or even jeopardizing future career prospects. Deep fakes are not only for famous people.

Older adults, on the other hand, while perhaps less active on social media, are still at significant risk. Many seniors are just now becoming familiar with the intricacies of the digital world. This inexperience makes them prime targets for online scams, phishing attacks, and financial fraud. Personal details, such as home address, family ties, and financial information, once leaked, can result in theft, scams, or, in extreme cases, physical harm.

Why Removing Public Information is Important

While it’s clear that certain harms arise from personal information falling into the wrong hands, there’s also a broader concern about maintaining autonomy over one’s data. We should have the right to control our narrative and decide who gets access to our personal story.

Eliminating personal data from public view, to the greatest extent feasible, helps in:

  1. Preventing Identity Theft: Data breaches and hacking attempts are frequent, and one’s identity can easily be stolen and misused if personal details are easily accessible.
  2. Avoiding Manipulation: With more personal details available, individuals become more susceptible to manipulative advertisements, political propaganda, and even social engineering attacks.
  3. Maintaining Personal Boundaries: For many, knowing that their personal details, from home addresses to past relationships, are floating around the internet can be a source of continuous anxiety and stress.

In conclusion, while the internet is a fantastic tool for learning, communication, and entertainment, it’s essential to tread with caution. Every individual, young or old, must prioritize internet privacy. By being discerning about what we share, regularly checking our online presence, and removing unnecessary public information, we can safeguard ourselves from many of the digital age’s pitfalls and ensure a safer online experience.

Tags: Personal Branding.

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