Can the Yelp Algorithm Be Beaten? Understanding Yelp Review Filtering

Review management is a large part of local business reputation management. We are often asked to improve reviews for a business by savvy owners who understand that a single-star improvement can significantly improve revenues.

Reputation X doesn’t do fake reviews. Really.

But the question of fake Yelp reviews does come up quite often – usually after a complaint from business owners that Yelp has been hiding some reviews (real ones) and not others. Some business owners even believe Yelp hides good reviews as a marketing tactic. 

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Why Yelp filters some reviews

The Yelp filter is said to “remove suspicious content based on a mix of automated and manual reviews” or remove “unnatural and biased reviews that may be better suited for an advertising platform.”

If those aren’t fancy ways of saying you look sketchy when you post too many 5-star reviews, then I’m not sure what is.

But what kinds of accounts tend not to have their reviews hidden? Accounts that tend not to get blocked by the Yelp algorithm often include a few readily visible elements, such as:

  • The account has left at least a few reviews for various businesses. 
  • The account has uploaded images with at least some of their reviews
  • The account has at least one friend, preferably more (social proof). 
  • Reviews tend to be more detailed, and longer. 
  • The IP address from which the review was left is not suspected of trying to game the system.

Based on this, new accounts that do not have these attributes have a higher chance of being censored because they’re unproven and untrusted. 

Another example of an attribute we’ve noticed helps an account become more trusted – is the Yelp mobile app. When a reviewer uses the Yelp mobile app their location is tracked. Yelp can tell if the reviewer has actually been to the business they are reviewing. Do we have objective proof? We’ve tested it informally and found that its true. But we can’t be absolutely sure (Yelp’s algorithm is secret). 

Related: Are Yelp reviews reliable?

We found that if the reviewer searched for a business using the Yelp app, then visited the business, and only then left a review, the review would be more trusted. Trusted reviews have a lower probability of being censored by Yelp.

Many companies are claiming to leave bogus Yelp reviews for businesses. We know Reputation X is often asked to fix their work. When companies try to fake reviews at scale, they often get caught. They get caught for a number of reasons, but in the end, it’s because their reviews follow a certain pattern. 

Yelp does filter out real reviews all the time. It’s understandably frustrating for business owners and marketing professionals who feel they are at the mercy of a heartless algorithm because they are at the mercy of a heartless algorithm.

Difference between a blocked and accepted Yelp review

That’s why businesses feel compelled to pay for ads and why users say that Yelp has become a pay-to-play game. In this article, we have included only some of Yelp’s most recent issues, because the list is just way too long.

Yelps’ algorithm is a big secret, but we’ve found some of the reasons both honest and less honest reviews are filtered out. We’ll share them here.

However, legitimate reviews may sometimes be filtered due to various reasons:

  • Reviewer’s Inactivity: Reviews from infrequent users or accounts with incomplete profiles are more likely to be filtered, as Yelp’s algorithms prioritize activity to gauge the likelihood of a genuine review.
  • Review Patterns: A sudden spike in reviews within a short period might trigger the filter, suspecting unnatural behavior. Such patterns often appear during promotional events or organized review campaigns, which Yelp actively monitors to prevent manipulation.
  • Content and Language: Reviews that are very short, vague, or overly promotional may be considered less credible. For instance, a review stating “Great place!” without any context is less likely to be trusted by the algorithm.

To identify and respond to filtered reviews effectively, businesses should:

  • Regularly Monitor: Keep an eye on the ‘Not Recommended’ section of your Yelp page to identify filtered reviews, as these can provide valuable insights and help understand customer sentiments.
  • Engage with Reviewers: Respond to genuine reviews, even if filtered, to show your commitment to customer feedback and encourage reviewers to be more active. Engaging with customers fosters a sense of community and can lead to more detailed and frequent reviews.
  • Encourage Detailed Reviews: Help customers understand the importance of providing detailed and genuine feedback to avoid filtering. Providing examples of thorough reviews can guide customers in sharing more useful feedback.

Encouraging Genuine Reviews

The best way to ensure your reviews are not filtered is to encourage authentic, detailed, and thoughtful feedback from your customers. Here are some best practices to solicit genuine reviews effectively:

  • Ask Directly: After a positive interaction or sale, kindly ask your customers to share their experiences on Yelp. A direct request can increase the likelihood of customers leaving reviews.
  • Provide Simple Instructions: Make it easy for customers to leave reviews by providing clear, simple instructions and direct links to your Yelp page. Clear instructions improve user experience and review completion rates.
  • Follow-Up Emails: Send follow-up emails thanking customers for their business and politely requesting a review.

To create a positive customer experience that encourages reviews:

  • Personalized Service: Offer personalized and memorable services that customers would want to share. Personalized experiences can increase revenue by 5-15%.
  • Consistent Quality: Ensure consistent product or service quality to foster positive experiences worthy of a review. Consistent quality can lead to a 5% increase in customer retention, translating into a 25% profit boost.
  • Engagement: Engage with your customers proactively and create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Engaged customers spend 60% more per transaction.

Avoid offering direct incentives or rewards in exchange for reviews, as this can lead to filtered reviews or penalties from Yelp. Focus on encouraging natural and voluntary reviews from customers, fostering trust and adhering to guidelines. Ensure any potential incentives are disclosed openly to maintain transparency and adhere to ethical practices. In turn, this will help your brand image and boost your company’s reputation.

Responding to Reviews

Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, is a critical aspect of managing your Yelp presence. It demonstrates that you value customer feedback and are committed to improving your business based on their opinions. In fact, 97% of consumers read business responses to reviews, highlighting the importance of your responses.

When responding to reviews:

  • Show Appreciation: Thank customers for positive reviews to reinforce goodwill and customer loyalty. 52% of consumers feel special when a business responds to their review, making this a powerful tool for building stronger customer relationships.
  • Address Concerns: Respond to negative reviews to address any issues and show other potential customers that you care about their experiences. Responding to reviews can increase customer loyalty and improve business reputation.

Strategies for crafting effective responses that showcase your business’s values include:

  • Personalization: Address the reviewer by name and mention specific points from their review to make the response feel genuine and thoughtful.
  • Positivity: Keeping a positive tone can help to de-escalate negative situations and maintain a strong reputation.
  • Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone and refrain from getting defensive or emotional. A professional response shows maturity and commitment to providing quality customer service.

When handling negative reviews:

  • Acknowledge the Issue: Start by acknowledging the reviewer’s concerns and apologizing for any negative experience. Admitting mistakes and apologizing can help resolve issues and create a positive impression.
  • Provide Solutions: Offer solutions or steps you are taking to rectify the issue, demonstrating your commitment to improvement. Taking action shows customers that your business is dedicated to continuous improvement.
  • Encourage Offline Communication: Invite the reviewer to continue the conversation offline to resolve the matter more effectively. This can lead to more effective resolutions and potential long-term relationship building.

Leveraging Yelp’s Tools and Features

Yelp provides several tools and features for business owners to enhance their profiles and manage reviews more effectively. Utilizing these tools can help improve your visibility and overall performance on the platform.

Some of Yelp’s key business owner tools and features include:

  • Yelp for Business Owners App: Manage your Yelp profile, respond to reviews, and track analytics on-the-go. This user-friendly app ensures you stay connected with your customers wherever you are, enhancing your ability to provide timely and personalized responses.
  • Review Alerts: Get notified of new reviews in real-time to respond promptly. Quick responses show customers you value their feedback, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.
  • Business Information: Update your business hours, contact details, and other essential information to keep your profile accurate. Keeping this information current ensures customers have the right details, reducing frustration and increasing satisfaction.

To optimize your business profile and attract more reviews:

  • High-Quality Photos: Upload high-quality photos of your products, services, and establishment. Visual content significantly influences customers’ impressions and can make your business more appealing.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Provide detailed descriptions of your offerings and unique selling points. Clear, compelling descriptions help potential customers understand what sets your business apart.
  • Engagement: Regularly update your profile with new content and engage with your audience through posts and announcements. Active engagement keeps your profile lively and maintains customer interest.

Use Yelp’s analytics and insights to track progress and improve performance:

  • Monitor Trends: Track review trends, customer engagement, and overall performance. Understanding patterns can help you make data-driven decisions to boost your business operations.
  • Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Analyze the data to identify areas where your business excels and areas needing improvement. This insight allows you to capitalize on strengths and address weaknesses proactively.
  • Adjust Strategies: Based on insights, adjust your marketing and customer service strategies to better meet customer expectations. Continuous improvement based on real-time feedback keeps your business competitive and customer-focused.

How do you spot a Yelp review trend? Clicking on the Details button in a Yelp profile will show you the average Yelp rating for a business over time. The screenshot below shows a business with a slow improvement from about 3.5 stars to 4.5 stars over the period of a year. This looks (and is) natural. But a sharp increase over a period of time could be suspect. 


Staying Up-to-Date with Yelp Policies and Best Practices

Yelp’s policies and best practices are continually evolving, making it essential to stay current with these changes to maintain a positive and compliant presence on the platform.

Staying informed about Yelp’s policies and guidelines is important because it helps:

  • Avoid Penalties: Adhering to Yelp’s guidelines helps avoid penalties and ensures your reviews remain visible. Understanding these guidelines minimizes the risk of reviews being filtered out or flagged for violation.
  • Stay Competitive: Being aware of the latest policies can give you a competitive edge in maintaining your Yelp presence. Knowledge of current trends helps you leverage new features and strategies to stand out.

Tips for staying current with industry best practices and trends:

  • Regularly Check Yelp’s Blog: Follow updates and tips on Yelp’s official blog for new features and best practices. Information shared through the blog often includes case studies, success stories, and practical tips that can help refine your strategy.
  • Join Online Communities: Participate in forums and groups related to Yelp and online reputation management to share insights and learn from others. Engaging with a community of peers fosters idea exchange and keeps you informed of the latest industry shifts.
  • Learn from Competitors: Observe top-performing competitors and adapt their effective strategies to your own business. Analyzing what works for others can inspire innovative approaches tailored to your unique context.

Strategies for adapting to changes in Yelp’s filtering system and other features:

  • Stay Flexible: Be ready to adapt your strategies as Yelp updates its review filtering system and other features. Flexibility ensures you can quickly pivot and maintain compliance with new rules.
  • Test and Learn: Experiment with different approaches and use analytics to determine what works best for your business. Regularly evaluating performance helps identify effective tactics and areas for improvement.
  • Seek Expert Advice: Consult with experts in online reputation management to stay ahead of changes and ensure your strategies are effective. Professional guidance can offer deeper insights and personalized recommendations for your reputation management efforts.

By following these tips and strategies, businesses can maintain a positive and compliant presence on Yelp, ensuring their reviews and overall reputation remain in good standing.

How fake Yelp reviewers get caught

At Reputation X, we are constantly amazed at how clumsy these companies are. They don’t seem to even try to create a natural-looking review experience. But when you take a look at the work it takes to create a false account that is believable, you can see why it’s not so easy.

Here’s how it works: The average fake reviewer will create a Yelp account using a desktop computer or cloud-based workstation like Amazon Workspaces.  This is often necessary because the bogus review company isn’t located in the target country. For example, they’ll be based in India, but the restaurant they’re creating reviews for is in the United States. They need to do this because someone living in India doesn’t often fly to the US just for lunch.

They’ll also neglect to develop the profile with a user image or much of any other information. They often leave only one review – and then call it a day. How much easier can they make it for Yelp to catch them?

Why do they do it this way? Because bots.

Fake reviews and automation

Most fake review companies use automation to create lots of bogus reviews. Automation = bots. If these companies wanted to make things natural they’d do it differently (some do). But setting up Yelp accounts to seem natural (but are not) is time-consuming. This in the Yelp algorithms’ favor because the cost of setting up hundreds or thousands of accounts would require resources in quantities that make large-scale Yelp fakery economically difficult. 

Setting up hundreds or thousands of accounts would require time and money in quantities that make large-scale Yelp fakery economically difficult.

To do it at scale, they must use automation to at least some degree. Automation creates patterns Yelps’ bot can often see. To illustrate how difficult it is to create natural-looking accounts continue reading. 


Why do my Yelp reviews keep getting filtered?

Yelp filters reviews for several reasons:

  1. The reviewer’s profile is new or lacks information.
  2. The review is overly positive or negative.
  3. The reviewer hasn’t posted many other reviews or doesn’t have many friends on Yelp.
  4. The review violates Yelp’s guidelines, such as using inappropriate language.
  5. The review is too short or lacks detail.

Yelp’s algorithm aims to show the most reliable and helpful reviews while filtering out potentially fake or unhelpful ones.

Can I sue Yelp for filtering reviews?

While you may feel frustrated by filtered reviews, suing Yelp is generally not a viable option. Yelp’s review filtering system is protected under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which shields platforms from liability for user-generated content. Additionally, Yelp’s Terms of Service, which users agree to when using the platform, outline their right to manage and filter content as they see fit.

How do I clean up my Yelp review?

To improve your Yelp reviews:

  1. Encourage reviews from established Yelp users with complete profiles.
  2. Ask for reviews after providing service, not while customers are still with you.
  3. Never offer incentives or pay for reviews, as this violates Yelp’s policies.
  4. Respond promptly and professionally to all reviews, both positive and negative.
  5. Flag reviews that violate Yelp’s guidelines for potential removal.

Can Yelp reviews be hidden?

Yes, Yelp reviews can be hidden or filtered. About 75% of reviews are recommended, while the remaining 25% are filtered out. These filtered reviews are not permanently deleted but are moved to a separate “Not Recommended” section at the bottom of your business page. They don’t count towards your overall star rating, but users can still access them by clicking on a link at the bottom of your Yelp page

About the author

Kent Campbell is the chief strategist for Reputation X, an award-winning online reputation management agency. He has over 15 years of experience with SEO, Wikipedia editing, review management, and online reputation strategy. Kent has helped celebrities, leaders, executives, and marketing professionals improve the way they are seen online. Kent writes about reputation, SEO, Wikipedia, and PR-related topics, and is an expert witness for reputation-related legal matters.

Tags: Business Reputation Repair, Review Management.

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