Planning Content for a Reputation Campaign

Reputation management is the ongoing process of influencing and shaping the public perception of an individual, company, or brand. It involves monitoring how people perceive you or your organization and taking steps to improve and maintain a positive reputation. Online reputation management is primarily accomplished with strategic content development, publishing, and promotion. This article explains how to create and execute a content plan for a reputation-building campaign. The ideal time to create a content plan for reputation building is in advance of a media crisis.

Importance of Diverse Content for Google

Google’s preference for diverse content stems from its commitment to providing users with the most relevant and comprehensive search results. The introduction of Google’s universal search in 2007 marked a major shift in how search results were presented.

In the past, Google separated content into different tabs; in 2007, it integrated these various types of content into the kind of search results you see today. In other words, results now include organic search results, news, images, videos, local listings, maps, book search results, and more in a single search page.

Reputation management campaigns leverage Google’s preference for different kinds of content.

Types of Content for a Reputation Improvement Campaign

Building a strong brand reputation online requires many different formats of content that are both useful to the target audience and perform well in today’s AI-driven search environment. Various types of content can be leveraged to enhance a brand’s online reputation and push down any negative content.

Here are some of the most used types of content in reputation management campaigns. 

1. Articles and Blog Posts

  • Description: Well-written articles and blog posts can showcase the brand’s expertise, thought leadership, and industry knowledge.
  • Example: A company publishing articles about the latest trends in its industry.

2. Photographs and Infographics

  • Description: Visual content like photographs and infographics can show information in a visually appealing and easily digestible format.
  • Example: A fashion brand using high-quality photographs to showcase its latest collection.

3. Videos

  • Description: Videos offer an immersive way to tell stories, demonstrate products, and engage with the target audience.
  • Example: A cooking equipment brand creating how-to videos for using their products.

4. Case Studies

  • Description: Detailed case studies can demonstrate the brand’s success stories and the value it has provided to its customers.
  • Example: A marketing agency showcasing the results of a successful campaign.

5. Interviews

  • Description: Conducting interviews with industry experts or satisfied customers can add credibility and provide valuable insights. Today, executives are often as important as the brand itself. 
  • Example: A business consulting firm interviewing industry leaders about market trends.

6. Press Releases

  • Description: Press releases can be used to announce important company news, events, or product launches, shaping the brand’s narrative. Note: press releases normally have a short shelf life in search results. 
  • Example: A tech company issuing a press release about a new product launch.

7. E-books

  • Description: E-books can offer in-depth information on a topic, and can establish the brand as an authority in its area of expertise.
  • Example: A financial advisory firm creating an e-book on investment strategies.

8. Lists

  • Description: Listicles can present information in a concise and easily scannable format, catering to audiences with limited time. People seem to love listicles. 
  • Example: A travel agency publishing a listicle of top destinations for the upcoming holiday season.

9. Product Reviews

  • Description: Publishing authentic product reviews. Reviews are a type of content that shows up often in business search results.
  • Example: An electronics company sharing real, honest reviews of its gadgets.

10. Research and Data

  • Description: Sharing research findings and industry-specific data can position the brand as a knowledgeable resource. This also enhances the perceived expertise of the brand.
  • Example: A healthcare organization releasing a report on the latest health trends.

11. Podcasts

  • Description: Podcasts offer a convenient way to share information, insights, and industry discussions, catering to auditory learners.
  • Example: A fitness brand hosting a podcast featuring expert tips on healthy living.

Using a mix of these content types can help a brand dominate search results when a prospect or other stakeholders Google it.  

Content Planning for Reputation Campaigns

Content planning plays an enormous role in reputation management. By creating and distributing relevant and valuable content, you can control many search results and shape public perception. You can also outrank any negative content that may exist. 

Steps to Create a Brand Reputation Content Plan

content strategy

To develop a brand reputation content plan, follow these steps:

Step 1: Research and Analysis

Start by researching similar companies or individuals to see what their search results look like and what types of content they have in their search results. We call these “similar entities”. Analyze their content strategy, including the topics they cover, the format of their content (see the sample list of content types above), and the platforms they use.

Step 2: Define Objectives and Target Audience

Determine your objectives for the content plan. Are you looking to establish thought leadership, showcase your expertise, or address specific reputation issues in search results? Identify your target audience and understand their needs, interests, and pain points. This will help you tailor your content to resonate with your audience.

Step 3: Content Development

Based on your research and analysis, develop a content strategy that caters to your objectives and target audience. Consider all the different types of content that can be used, such as blog posts, social media posts, videos, interviews, and more.

Each type of content has its strengths and can be used to target different platforms and audiences and occupy a space in the browser when someone searches for the brand. 

You can use AI-driven content creation software like WriteSonic or ChatGPT to speed things up. Just make sure a human edits it. 

Step 4: Content Publishing Calendar

Create a content publishing calendar to organize and schedule your content. Many different systems are available to do this, but Outlook, Apple Calendar or Google Calendar will work just as well.

This calendar should outline the topics, formats, and platforms for each piece of content and a publishing schedule. You can get as granular as you feel you can handle. Here are some examples of content calendar templates you can use. It will help you stay consistent and ensure a steady flow of content that aligns with your reputation management goals.

Step 5: Linking Web Properties

Link your web properties together to create a network of interconnected sites that drive traffic between them. This can include linking your blog posts to your social media profiles, linking your website to your guest posts or interviews, doing a podcast for someone and having the biography they post on their site link back to yours, and creating backlinks between relevant content pieces using guest posting and other link building methods.

Step 6: SEO Promotion

Implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to promote your branded content and make it rise in search results. This includes optimizing your content for relevant keywords, building high-quality backlinks, and improving the overall user experience of your web properties. Keep the content fresh with a good content “housekeeping plan” where your content calendar nudges you to go back and update content on a regular basis. 

Step 7: Monitoring and Maintenance

Regularly monitor the visibility and performance of your web properties. Keep track of their search rankings, engagement metrics, and any changes in public perception. Use this information to make data-driven decisions and adjust your content plan as needed. You can do this manually, or you can use paid software. We use,, and many others to do this. 

Step 8: Ongoing Promotion

Continuously promote your branded content to keep it high in search results and maintain its visibility. This can include sharing your content on social media, engaging with your audience, participating in industry discussions, and collaborating with influencers or media outlets.

Citations and Further Reading


Tags: Business Reputation Repair, Reputation Management, Reputation Marketing.

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